

"There's a war out there, old friend, a world war.

 And it's not about who's got the most bullets,

it's about who controls the information.

What we see and hear, how we work, what we think,

it's all about the information..."

- Ben Kingsley as Cosmo in Sneakers -

[Why do it yourself?]


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Questions and Answers

What is Kamajii?
Kamajii is a program in Perl that monitors web sites (even ones that require a lengthly login process) and sends you informative updates via e-mail, SMS and more when the site's contents change.

For example, instead of checking your grades every day on your university's grades page, you could have Kamajii let you know what your grade is when it arrives.

What operating systems does Kamajii work on?
Kamajii is written in Perl, so it should work on any OS in which Perl is installed.
More specifically, we have tested Kamajii on Linux (RedHat 9) and on Windows 2000.

What web-sites does Kamajii work with?
Kamajii can work with any web-site that you can configure for it. It supports, for example, HTTPS (secure connections) and Cookies.

Why are you writing Kamajii?
Because it seems like a fun project and might be useful for other people.

No, really, why?
Because we're too lazy to check our grades the old fashioned way.

Come on, why are you really writing Kamajii?
If you insist.. We are writing Kamajii for a Workshop that we are taking in Tel-Aviv University.

What's with the name? Is it some kind of an Acronym?
Gott im himmel, NO! Fear not dear Kamajii users! If there's one thing history has taught us, it is that acronym projects are doomed to fail (Look what ever happened to to CCCP and DDR), and as the cliché goes: "The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again". Thus the idea of us using acronyms as program names, would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways, inconceivable, and hence:

Kamajii is not GNU, Kamajii is not WINE, Kamajii is not SOX, and in general Kamajii is not an acronym!

OK wiseguys, so what's with the name then?
Well, Kamajii is the name of one of the characters of the Japanese movie "Spirited Away". He's an old man who is responsible for the boiler room. He has many hands, which are all constantly in use, receiving notes that ask for soap to be put in the bath and sending the soap back to the rooms. Something about this reminded us of the function of our program, which is always monitoring web sites and sending notifications back to its users.

If that's your concept, why not naming it Vishnu? or perhaps Hydra?
Been there, done that! At this stage of our lives, we are kind of sick and tired of using over and over the same names taken from Indian or Greek mythology. Indeed the world is full of Gods and other weird creatures, as Thales has once taught us, so we could have also chosen to name our program Octopus, Gorgons, Medusa or Ganesh, but to give it a fresh original flavor we decided to go for the Japanese name (only 243 appearances in google!). We hope that settles the name issue.


No buts! and besides, if you got so involved with Kamajii issues, why not helping us in developing Kamajii TNG? (TNG means the next generation... oops, used an acronym! the jury will disregard this slip of the tongue). If you'd like to help in future versions, don't hesitate to call us.

Cool, now where do I get Kamajii?

Who are you, anyways?
We're Dror and Netta.

How can I contact you?
Dror can be contacted at dror_sherman (at) hotmail (dot) com, or through sourceforge.
Netta can be contacted at gavrieli (at) netvision (dot) net (dot) il, or through sourceforge.

Why all the (dot)s? Can't you just write your e-mail addresses?
Not writing our addresses explicitly is supposed to reduce the amount of spam we get.


We would like to thank Nadav Har'El for helping us come up with the idea for Kamajii and for his sendsms script.
We would also like to thank Michael Angeles for his mini icons which we use in Kamajii's GUI.

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